Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Selig #BeSilly

Old English word "selig,".  Its literal definition is "to be blessed, happy, healthy and prosperous".

Silly is a derivative of Selig.
We all need (and I stress the word need) a dose of silliness in our every day lives.
Why so serious? Take a load off. Tranquillo.
I could list a lot of facts about laughter.
I could quote some brilliant minds, but I won't.

Instead, I dare you to take a 30 min Silly break every day. Seriously, stop being so serious.
I know you're a super-adult. You've got bills to pay, children to raise, alibis to consider...
but it'll all be less stressful if you learn to laugh again.

Here's a few of my fave videos to get you started:

Go to this site if you think you're a movie buff :


Read this hilarious Blog:


Or just predict your own #FinalDestinationDeath via twitter.
Eg: While filling up at the gas-station, I'm clicking the pump handle which causes a spark that ignites the gas. #FinalDestinationDeath.

Whatever floats your boat. Just take a silly break and enjoy it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hey DJ

I miss good music. Music feels so...one size fits all today. The masses are celebrating entertainers that are "Bold" and "Original".  Even their supposed originality feels manufactured and purposely geared for shock and awe. Everybody's trying to go for shock value to deflect from the serious lack of genuine talent. Vulgarity + sex= Platinum hit.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy current hits but I miss the true artists of yesterday or just the simple but good songs. What the performers did in days gone by were true works of art. The definition of individuality. There are no other MJs, Boyz II Mens, Princes Madonnas or TLCs (just to name a few).
Even though I may enjoy some of the dime-a-dozen entertainers of today I know very few of them will have longetivity.
Seriously, when's the last time you bought an entire CD?

Good Music...
Most of the following are from the 80's, what?
I'm an 80's baby.

A few artists that you at least bought one album by:
Michael Jackson, Nirvana, Boyz II Men, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Prince, U2

Some songs are time-machines:
Take on Me- A-has ( I'm 5 years old trying to understand this video and wondering when Care Bears comes on again)

Air Tonight- Phil Collins (this song was featured in The Hangover but I first heard it on an episode of Miami Vice) Oh, Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas were gorgeous.

How about "Cool like dat"- Digable Planets (plaits, twists or braids)
Mr. Wendal- Arrested Development ( I still don't know what they were saying at the end of this song but that doesn't stop me from singing a long)

Remember songs that made you feel.
Even if you had never had the exact experience you felt the music:

In too deep- Yes Phil Collins again, the man's a genius.
Waiting for a girl- Foreigner
Open Arms- Journey
Hard to say I'm sorry- Chicago
Man in the mirror- Michael Jackson
End of the road- Boyz II Men ( I sang that for all I was worth and I had never even talked to a boy romantically yet)

Lastly, there are songs that will still make you pull a muscle trying to do the Roger Rabbit or the Cabbage patch:

Pretty much any Michael Jackson song (hence the Michael Jackson experience)
It takes two-  Rob Base & DJ Easy Rock

Motownphilly- Boyz II Men
Wooh Hah- Busta Rhymes
Now that we found love- Heavy D
Baby Got back- Sir Mix a lot (Oh my God Becky)
Ain't too proud to beg- TLC (I didn't even know what I was beggin for)

This might be an Obligatory Plug but I seriously go to FYE http://www.fye.com
to buy and sell my movies and CDs. I can usually find anything I'm looking for, no matter how old. Check em out.

What's some of your Time Machine songs?



Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Getting from Here to There

"Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care where..." said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Without a clear destination in mind we'll find ourselves as confounded as Alice. I have always had many dreams and wishes. I've come to realize that it's very easy to wish and dream your life away. But if I want to actually experience the fantasies in my head I have to make them happen. So where do I start? Which way do I go? 
Well I had to ponder that for a few years. 
Then after becoming completely frustrated and disgusted with my inactivity I let my frustration be my catalyst. I did what I do best, I turned to books.
I went to the bookstore and picked up a copy of Tim Ferriss's 4 hour work week.

When reseting your internal system he recommends you ask yourself, "What do I want?". Big or small, name it and seriously don't be afraid to dream big. After-all you only have this one life to make it happen and it isn't too late unless you think it is.

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't. You are right." - Henry Ford

Just to give you an extra cheesy layer of inspiration:

But the world is full of zanies and fools
Who don't believe in sensible rules
and don't believe what sensible people say
And because these daff and dewey-eyed-dopes
keep building up impossible hopes,
impossible, things are happening everyday.' 

-Whitney Houston "Impossible" lyrics

So jot down the goals and keep them where you can see them daily. 

If you're a Perpetual Procrastinator like myself it might be best to create a dreamline. Break the goals down into steps and set deadlines to fulfill each task. So my goal is to complete my first novel and maintain an informative and interesting blog, (work in progress, I know) One of my steps to reach that goal is to write for one hour a day be it commercially or creatively. I've given myself 3 months. Not realistic? Personally, I can't give myself too much of a window. As a procrastinator I need deadlines or my inner Scarlett O'Hara will rise, "I won't think about it now. I'll think about it tomorrow."

Now you may want me to provide more of Tim's insight and I will later but creating a dreamline should take thought and careful consideration. 
What do you really want? Start Here.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Crazy Stupid Love?

Is the notion of never ending love & commitment between a man and a women stupid?
I am surprised to be asking this question at this point in my life. I always thought of myself as a romantic. I thought that I wanted the picturesque marriage with 2.5 children and a dog. I just turned 30 last week and it seems that there was a shift.  I've never been pressed to be in a relationship. I swore off dating unless the person was worthy of my time at the young age of 21 and kept to it. I did believe I would've met someone I'd consider dating before now but still I'm ok with being single.

But I find myself asking, just where the modern day notion of love originated.

One of my favorite movies is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind starring Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey:

They're two people who could not be more dissimilar. She, Clementine, being the free-spirit and Joel being the lost puppy mired in mediocrity. They find each other and almost accidentally begin a relationship. They were two incomplete people seeking solace in each other. When things go south, they opt for a new medical procedure which allows their memories of each other to be irretrievably erased. There is more to the story and I have not ruined the ending for any who have not seen it. However, with this latest musing of mine I find myself thinking of Joel and Clementine as good illustrations.
"Opposites attract" but why?
Is it that we are actually seeking completion within but believe it can only be found without? Why do we look to another to be the Yin to our Yang? Shouldn't we strive to be whole and complete before joining our lives to another or beginning a partnership? What if the Yin & Yang make a whole within one. I mean, what if the whole concept is finding completion in the realization of all the that you are.
It seems it would be easier then to meet a friend along your path and walk together. Should you decide to part you can do so as friends wishing each other well on your journey.

What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's almost the most wonderful time of year and though it's not all about gifts here's a few simple ideas worth noting.

Now this is a rare treat. Most people have never even heard of these things called...books. Though I too am hoping to be gifted with an Ipad and look forward to downloading plenty of ebooks and mags, I still enjoy the feel of an actual book. The smell of paper, dog-earing your page because you don't trust bookmarks to stay in place and displaying an actual (not virtual) bookshelf, ahh the simple pleasures. Bookworms unite! 
So for the kids or the kid in you, nothing beats the classics. Enjoy gifting someone with a book and if they are disappointed because they were expecting a touch screen e-reader tell them to feel free to slide their finger along the printed lines as they enjoy your well thought out gift. 

To quote one of the most fascinating minds to date: "I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a neccessary ingredient in living." Dr. Suess.

I personally enjoy the works of Shel Silverstein. I bought a book for my niece and I enjoyed reading it as well. A personal favorite is "The Prayer of the selfish child", hilarious.

A smart gift is a continuous one such as a subscription.

OMG, I need one of these! For the Iphone users with tons of pics stored or Ipod users like me who steal friend's facebook photos..this gift idea is (corny word alert) NIFTY!

Impersonal Secret Santa gifts for office coworkers or stocking stuffers for a home office.

Cute baby gift idea.

Here's a great gift for a parent, elderly relative or scratch that, pretty much everyone. We gifted my mom with one of these. My favorite feature is the ability to enlarge the print so there's no more searching for one of the million pairs of reading glasses she constantly misplaces.

I will post more so stay tuned.
