Monday, November 28, 2011

Crazy Stupid Love?

Is the notion of never ending love & commitment between a man and a women stupid?
I am surprised to be asking this question at this point in my life. I always thought of myself as a romantic. I thought that I wanted the picturesque marriage with 2.5 children and a dog. I just turned 30 last week and it seems that there was a shift.  I've never been pressed to be in a relationship. I swore off dating unless the person was worthy of my time at the young age of 21 and kept to it. I did believe I would've met someone I'd consider dating before now but still I'm ok with being single.

But I find myself asking, just where the modern day notion of love originated.

One of my favorite movies is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind starring Kate Winslet and Jim Carrey:

They're two people who could not be more dissimilar. She, Clementine, being the free-spirit and Joel being the lost puppy mired in mediocrity. They find each other and almost accidentally begin a relationship. They were two incomplete people seeking solace in each other. When things go south, they opt for a new medical procedure which allows their memories of each other to be irretrievably erased. There is more to the story and I have not ruined the ending for any who have not seen it. However, with this latest musing of mine I find myself thinking of Joel and Clementine as good illustrations.
"Opposites attract" but why?
Is it that we are actually seeking completion within but believe it can only be found without? Why do we look to another to be the Yin to our Yang? Shouldn't we strive to be whole and complete before joining our lives to another or beginning a partnership? What if the Yin & Yang make a whole within one. I mean, what if the whole concept is finding completion in the realization of all the that you are.
It seems it would be easier then to meet a friend along your path and walk together. Should you decide to part you can do so as friends wishing each other well on your journey.

What are your thoughts?


  1. I think you've got alot of "what-if" questions going on...and it's not about answering those ... because the answers are obviously going to be different answers and none of them are right and none of them are wrong. it just is what it is..LIFE (not the magazine...or the cereal...or the game..although it does not EXCLUDE them out right)I have a sister who feels like she doesn't mind not being married ... she knows she wasn't built for it, oh well. Maybe God has a different plan for you. If he meant u to feel differently about being in a relationship you would've felt it by now.

  2. oh yeah and "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" will forever be one of my top 3 All Time Favs. Only .... i wish i could watch it with you, no one else around here seems to appreciate good theatre. ah well...
