Tuesday, November 22, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

It's almost the most wonderful time of year and though it's not all about gifts here's a few simple ideas worth noting.

Now this is a rare treat. Most people have never even heard of these things called...books. Though I too am hoping to be gifted with an Ipad and look forward to downloading plenty of ebooks and mags, I still enjoy the feel of an actual book. The smell of paper, dog-earing your page because you don't trust bookmarks to stay in place and displaying an actual (not virtual) bookshelf, ahh the simple pleasures. Bookworms unite! 
So for the kids or the kid in you, nothing beats the classics. Enjoy gifting someone with a book and if they are disappointed because they were expecting a touch screen e-reader tell them to feel free to slide their finger along the printed lines as they enjoy your well thought out gift. 

To quote one of the most fascinating minds to date: "I like nonsense. It wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a neccessary ingredient in living." Dr. Suess.

I personally enjoy the works of Shel Silverstein. I bought a book for my niece and I enjoyed reading it as well. A personal favorite is "The Prayer of the selfish child", hilarious.

A smart gift is a continuous one such as a subscription.

OMG, I need one of these! For the Iphone users with tons of pics stored or Ipod users like me who steal friend's facebook photos..this gift idea is (corny word alert) NIFTY!

Impersonal Secret Santa gifts for office coworkers or stocking stuffers for a home office.

Cute baby gift idea.

Here's a great gift for a parent, elderly relative or scratch that, pretty much everyone. We gifted my mom with one of these. My favorite feature is the ability to enlarge the print so there's no more searching for one of the million pairs of reading glasses she constantly misplaces.

I will post more so stay tuned.


1 comment:

  1. yeah there are very few people who enjoy books these days EVEN though there are "best-sellers" EVERYWHERE...consider this...In my household I am the only reader...I bought my son 3 books he claimed he was going to absolutely love/enjoy reading ... THEY are now MIA and he's no concern for where they are. Unlike myself i go ballistic when one of my novels go missing (thank God for Kindle Fire...my books will never go missing again). Anyhew, I let my daughter borrow my "Twilight" novel when she was living with her dad. She never brought it back...i STILL miss that book. It was a first edition...COME ON (In my Jim Carey voice)!!! Ok i'm venting, I need to get over that anyway for as many people as there are in the world and for as many people that are actually avid readers I say...too many people DON'T get it. They don't enjoy that past-time of imaginary adventure. It's such a shame they just don't know what they are missing.
